Enterprise Recon Cloud 2.12.0

How To Restore Backups

This section covers the following topics:


There are two ways to restore ER Cloud:

  1. Restore from an Amazon EBS Snapshot.

  2. Restore from Backup File.

Restore from an Amazon EBS Snapshot

To restore from an Amazon EBS snapshot, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the AWS EC2 console.
  2. Stop the EC2 instance for ER Cloud:
    1. In the left navigation panel, under the Instances section, select the EC2 instance.
    2. On the upper right side of the page, click Instance state > Stop instance.
  3. Create a restore volume from an existing snapshot.
    1. In the left navigation panel of the EC2 Dashboard, under the Elastic Block Store section, click Snapshots.
    2. Select the snapshot of the ER Cloud data that you want to use (e.g. ERCLOUDDATA-SNAPSHOT).
    3. On the upper right side of the page, click Actions > Create volume from snapshot.
    4. In the Create volume page, complete the following fields:

      Field Description
      Volume type Select General Purpose SSD (gp3).
      Size Enter the size of the volume (in GiB).
      IOPS Enter the maximum number of input/output operations per second (IOPS).
      Throughput Enter the throughput value (in MiB/s).
      Availability Zone Select the Availability Zone in which to create the volume. A volume can be attached only to instances that are in the same Availability Zone.
      Encryption Select encryption status for the volume.
      (Optional) Tags In the Key field, enter a label for your tag (e.g. Name tag), and in the Value field, enter the corresponding value (e.g. ERCLOUDDATA-RESTORE), if any.
    5. Click Create volume to create the restore volume.
    6. In the Volume page, view the status of the newly created restore volume (ERCLOUDDATA-RESTORE), and wait until the status is "Available".
  4. Detach the snapshot volume from the EC2 instance.
    1. Click the Storage tab of the instance.
    2. In the Storage tab, from the list of volume IDs, select the /dev/xvdb volume. The Volumes page opens.
    3. In the Volumes page, select the snapshot volume (ERCLOUDDATA-SNAPSHOT).
    4. On the upper right side of the page, click Actions > Detach volume.
  5. Attach the restore volume to the EC2 instance.
    1. In the section, select the restore volume (ERCLOUDDATA-RESTORE).
    2. Click Actions > Attach volume.
    3. In the Attach volume page, complete the following fields:

      Field Description
      Instance Select the instance.
      Device name Select /dev/xvdbb.
    4. Click Attach volume.
  6. Start the EC2 instance.
    1. In the left navigation panel, under the Instances section, select the EC2 instance for ER Cloud.
    2. On the upper right side of the page, click Instance state > Start instance.
  7. (Optional) Increase Disk Size, if needed.

Restore From Backup File

To restore from backup file, run the restore command.

# Where 'ec2-user' is the default username, #'<pem-file-directory>' is the full path of where the private key (.pem file) is saved, # the '<instance-hostname-or-ip>' is either the public DNS name # or the IP address of the EC2 instance # and the <backup-file-directory> is the full path where the backup file (.bak or .ebk file) is saved. # Syntax: ssh -i <pem-file-directory> ec2-user@<instance-hostname-or-ip> /home/ec2-user/er-cloud.sh restore < <backup-file-directory> ssh -i /tmp/sshkey.pem ec2-user@12.345.678.9 /home/ec2-user/er-cloud.sh restore < /tmp/erbackup.bak

Increase Disk Size

To increase the instance or disk size, refer to the Manage Instance and Disk Size section.