Enterprise Recon 2.11.0

Activity Log

The Activity Log displays a list of all system events.

To view the Activity Log, go to System > Activity Log.

To view the current user's activity log instead, go to [Username] > My Account .

The Activity Log displays system events as a table with the following columns:

Column Description
Date Date event was triggered (MMM DD, YYYY, e.g. May, 10, 2017).
Time Time event was triggered (HH:MM:SS, e.g. 16:13:07).
User User that triggered the event.
Module Event module.
Event Short event name.
Target Scan location for scans. User name if user details were modified.
Details Information about the event.

Filter events displayed with the following Filter by… options:

  • Event level
  • Module
  • Event
  • Date range
  • User

Details of events including date and time, user and module recorded in the Activity Log.