Enterprise Recon 2.12.0

Scan Report Summary

The SCANREPORT_SUMMARY table contains scan report information including the match count, matched data types, matched samples, scanned bytes, start time, and other scan-related information for all Targets.

Column Number Column Name Data Type Description
1 TUID numeric NOT NULL Target UID. See DATA_TARGET table for more information.
2 REPORTID varchar(64) NOT NULL Report ID. This is the concatenated value of the report timestamp (in Unix time format) and scan ID for the scan.
3 CUID numeric NOT NULL Data type or criteria UID. See DATA_MATCH_TYPES table for more information.
4 LABEL varchar(4096) NOT NULL Scan schedule label.
5 ROOT varchar(4096) NOT NULL Scan root path. See Data Usage Calculation for more information on scan roots.
6 START timestamp NOT NULL Timestamp when the scan started.
7 END timestamp NOT NULL Timestamp when the scan completed.
8 FAILED integer NOT NULL Flag is set to 1 for failed scans.
9 STOPPED integer NOT NULL Flag is set to 1 for if scan was stopped.
10 LOCATIONS numeric NOT NULL Number of locations scanned for the given scan root path.
11 BYTES numeric NOT NULL Number of bytes scanned for the given scan root path.
12 INACCESSIBLE numeric NOT NULL Number of inaccessible locations for the given scan root path.
13 MATCHES numeric NOT NULL Sum of test data matches, matches with data privacy breaches and matches containing prohibited PCI data for the specific data type.
14 SAMPLES numeric NOT NULL Number of test, match and prohibited data samples captured for the specific data type.

Sample data:

6622288671022978211 1598337150 93 MY-UBUNTU-MACHINE AUG25-1702 File path /home/ubuntu-machine/Documents/pii-data.csv 25/8/2020 5:04:34 PM 25/8/2020 5:04:34 PM 0 0 1 81077 1 30 30
6622288671022978211 1598337150 165 MY-UBUNTU-MACHINE AUG25-1702 File path /home/ubuntu-machine/Documents/pii-data.csv 25/8/2020 5:04:34 PM 25/8/2020 5:04:34 PM 0 0 1 81077 1 15 15
7372383963774995752 1598337296 6 MariaDB-Table-Scan MariaDB Server MY-MARIADB-SERVER:3308 Catalog employee-db Table employee-info 20/7/2020 12:26:42 PM 20/7/2020 12:53:11 PM 0 0 1 153311 0 2 2
7372383963774995752 1598337296 32 MariaDB-Table-Scan MariaDB Server MY-MARIADB-SERVER:3308 Catalog employee-db Table employee-info 20/7/2020 12:26:42 PM 20/7/2020 12:53:11 PM 0 0 1 153311 0 1 1
8283249956251157105 1598346228 239 1598346228 Dropbox Business ADMIN@EXAMPLE.COM Location file-name.pdf 10/9/2020 3:42:07 PM 11/9/2020 8:51:08 AM 0 0 1 182245 1 33 33
8283249956251157105 1598346228 234 1598346228 Dropbox Business ADMIN@EXAMPLE.COM Location file-name.pdf 10/9/2020 3:42:07 PM 11/9/2020 8:51:08 AM 0 0 1 182245 1 11 11