Enterprise Recon 2.12.0
Scan Report Matches
The SCANREPORT_MATCH table contains information about the number of matches and samples per data type for each scan across all Targets.
Column Number | Column Name | Data Type | Description |
1 | TUID | numeric NOT NULL | Target UID. See DATA_TARGET table for more information. |
2 | REPORTID | varchar(64) NOT NULL | Report ID. This is the concatenated value of the report timestamp (in Unix time format) and scan ID for the scan. |
3 | START | timestamp NOT NULL | Timestamp when the scan started. |
4 | END | timestamp NOT NULL | Timestamp when the scan completed. |
5 | LOCATION | varchar(4096) NOT NULL | Full path for the match location. |
6 | CUID | integer NOT NULL | Data type or criteria UID. See DATA_MATCH_TYPES table for more information. |
7 | MATCHES | numeric NOT NULL | Sum of test data matches, matches with data privacy breaches and matches containing prohibited PCI data for the specific data type. |
8 | SAMPLES | integer NOT NULL | Number of test, match and prohibited data samples captured for the specific data type. |
Sample data:
6622288671022978211 | 1598337150 | 25/8/2020 5:04:34 PM | 25/8/2020 5:04:34 PM | File path /home/ubuntu-machine/Documents/pii-data.csv | 93 | 30 | 15 |
6622288671022978211 | 1598337150 | 25/8/2020 5:04:34 PM | 25/8/2020 5:04:34 PM | File path /home/ubuntu-machine/Documents/pii-data.csv | 165 | 15 | 1 |
7372383963774995752 | 1598337296 | 20/7/2020 12:26:42 PM | 20/7/2020 12:53:11 PM | MariaDB Server MY-MARIADB-SERVER:3308 Catalog employee-db Table employee-info | 6 | 2 | 1 |
7372383963774995752 | 1598337296 | 20/7/2020 12:26:42 PM | 20/7/2020 12:53:11 PM | MariaDB Server MY-MARIADB-SERVER:3308 Catalog employee-db Table employee-info | 32 | 1 | 1 |
8283249956251157105 | 1598346228 | 10/9/2020 3:42:07 PM | 11/9/2020 8:51:08 AM | Dropbox Business ADMIN@EXAMPLE.COM Location file-name.pdf | 239 | 33 | 2 |
8283249956251157105 | 1598346228 | 10/9/2020 3:42:07 PM | 11/9/2020 8:51:08 AM | Dropbox Business ADMIN@EXAMPLE.COM Location file-name.pdf | 234 | 11 | 3 |