Enterprise Recon 2.12.0

Scan Report Samples

The SCANREPORT_SAMPLE table contains the value and location for match samples captured for each scan across all Targets.

Column Number Column Name Data Type Description
1 TUID numeric NOT NULL Target UID. See DATA_TARGET table for more information.
2 REPORTID varchar(64) NOT NULL Report ID. This is the concatenated value of the report timestamp (in Unix time format) and scan ID for the scan.
3 START timestamp NOT NULL Timestamp when the scan started.
4 END timestamp NOT NULL Timestamp when the scan completed.
5 LOCATION varchar(4096) NOT NULL Full path for the match location.
6 CUID integer NOT NULL Data type or criteria UID. See DATA_MATCH_TYPES table for more information.
7 SAMPLE varchar(128) NOT NULL Captured match sample for the specific data type.

Sample data:

6622288671022978211 1598337150 25/8/2020 5:04:34 PM 25/8/2020 12:53:11 PM MariaDB Server MARIADB-SERVER:3308 Catalog employees Table employee-info 1 374394#####5102
6622288671022978211 1598337150 25/8/2020 5:04:34 PM 25/8/2020 12:53:11 PM MariaDB Server MARIADB-SERVER:3308 Catalog employees Table employee-info 4 354460######4200
6622288671022978211 1598337150 25/8/2020 5:04:34 PM 25/8/2020 12:53:11 PM MariaDB Server MARIADB-SERVER:3308 Catalog employees Table employee-info 176 Harry Houdini
6622288671022978211 1598337150 25/8/2020 5:04:34 PM 25/8/2020 12:53:11 PM MariaDB Server MARIADB-SERVER:3308 Catalog employees Table employee-info 23 userA@example.com