DATA_GROUP definition current state data |
Current information for all Groups on the Master Server. |
- GUID - Group UID.
- LABEL - Group name or label.
- COMMENT - Comments inserted by user about the Group.
DATA_TARGET definition current state data |
Current information for all Targets on the Master Server. |
- TUID - Target UID.
- GUID - Group UID. This is the Group the Target belongs to.
- LABEL - Target name or label.
- COMMENT - Comments inserted by user about the Target.
DATA_LOCATION definition current state data |
Current list of match locations for all Targets. |
- TUID - Target UID.
- LOCID - Match location ID.
- LOCATION - Match location path or description.
DATA_MATCH_TYPES definition |
List of built-in and custom criteria or data types, and their associated ID number. |
- CUID - Data type or criteria UID.
- LABEL - Name or label for the data type.
Defines the possible severity levels (e.g. test, match, prohibited) of matched patterns. |
- SEVID - Severity level for the matched pattern.
- LABEL - Name or label (e.g. test, match, prohibited) for the match severity level.
List of possible reported content types or file formats. |
- CTID - Content type / file format ID.
- TAG - Unique tag for the content type / file format.
- LABEL - Name or label for the content type / file format.
DATA_META definition |
List of reported metadata labels and their associated ID number. |
- METAID - ID for the reported metadata type.
- LABEL - Label for the reported metadata type.
DATA_ACTION_TYPES definition |
List of all defined remediation and access control actions, operations, and states. |
- ACTIONID - ID for the remediation or access control action or operation.
- LABEL - Label for the remediation or access control action or operation.
- DETAIL - Description for the action or operation in the context of the location description.
- STATE_COMPLETE - Returns 1 if the action or operation indicates completed state.
- STATE_FAIL - Returns 1 if the action or operation indicates error state.
DATA_TARGET_HISTORY historical data |
Historical match count data for all Targets. |
- TUID - Target UID.
- WHEN - Timestamp when the data point was recorded.
- QUANTITY - Sum of matches with data privacy breaches and matches containing prohibited PCI data; does not include test data matches.
DATA_TARGET_MATCHES current state data |
Current information about the match count, matched data types and match severity level for all Targets. |
- TUID - Target UID.
- CUID - Data type or criteria UID.
- SEVID - Severity level for the matched pattern.
- QUANTITY - Sum of matches for the specific data type / criteria and severity level (e.g. test, match, prohibited).
DATA_LOCATION_MATCH current state data |
Current information about the match quantity, matched data types and match severity level for match locations across all Targets. |
- TUID - Target UID.
- LOCID - Match location ID.
- CUID - Data type or criteria UID.
- SEVID - Severity level for the matched pattern.
- QUANTITY - Sum of matches for the specific data type / criteria and severity level (e.g. test, match, prohibited).
DATA_LOCATION_CONTENT_TYPE current state data |
Describes the content type for the current list of match locations across all Targets. |
- TUID - Target UID.
- LOCID - Match location ID.
- CTID - Content type / file format ID.
DATA_LOCATION_META current state data |
Describes the metadata captured for current list of match locations across all Targets. |
- TUID - Target UID.
- LOCID - Match location ID.
- METAID - ID for the reported metadata type.
- VALUE - Metadata value for the reported metadata ID.
DATA_ACTION_LOG historical data |
Contains a log of all remediation and access control actions / operations taken. across all Targets. |
- TUID - Target UID.
- WHEN - Timestamp when the data point was recorded.
- ACTIONID - ID for the remediation or access control action or operation.
- ACTIONID - ID of the user who performed the remediation or access control action or operation.
- LOCATION - Full path for the match location.
- SIGNOFF - User who signed off on the action or operation.
- REASON - Reason for performing the action or operation.
SCANREPORT_SUMMARY historical data |
Contains scan report information including the match count, matched data types, matched samples, scanned bytes, start time, and other scan-related information for all Targets. |
- TUID - Target UID.
- REPORTID - Scan report ID. This is also the report timestamp in Unix time format.
- CUID - Data type or criteria UID.
- LABEL - Scan schedule label.
- ROOT - Scan root path.
- START - Timestamp when the scan started.
- END - Timestamp when the scan completed.
- FAILED - Flag is set to 1 for failed scans.
- STOPPED - Flag is set to 1 for scans that were manually stopped by the user.
- LOCATIONS - Number of locations scanned for the specific scan root path.
- BYTES - Number of bytes scanned for the specific scan root path.
- INACCESSIBLE - Number of inaccessible locations for the given scan root path.
- MATCHES - Sum of test data matches, matches with data privacy breaches and matches containing prohibited PCI data for the specific data type.
- SAMPLES - Number of test, match and prohibited data samples captured for the specific data type.
SCANREPORT_MATCH historical data |
Contains information about the number of matches and samples per data type for each scan across all Targets. |
- TUID - Target UID.
- REPORTID - Scan report ID. This is also the report timestamp in Unix time format.
- START - Timestamp when the scan started.
- END - Timestamp when the scan completed.
- LOCATION - Full path for the match location.
- CUID - Data type or criteria UID.
- MATCHES - Sum of test data matches, matches with data privacy breaches and matches containing prohibited PCI data for the specific data type.
- SAMPLES - Number of test, match and prohibited data samples captured for the specific data type.
SCANREPORT_SAMPLE historical data |
Contains the value and location for match samples captured for each scan across all Targets. |
- TUID - Target UID.
- REPORTID - Scan report ID. This is also the report timestamp in Unix time format.
- START - Timestamp when the scan started.
- END - Timestamp when the scan completed.
- LOCATION - Full path for the match location.
- CUID - Data type or criteria UID.
- SAMPLE - Captured match sample for the specific data type.
SCANREPORT_META historical data |
Contains the reported location metadata information for each scan across all Targets. |
- TUID - Target UID.
- REPORTID - Scan report ID. This is also the report timestamp in Unix time format.
- START - Timestamp when the scan started.
- END - Timestamp when the scan completed.
- LOCATION - Full path for the match location.
- CUID - Data type or criteria UID.
- METAID - ID for the reported metadata type.
- VALUE - Metadata value for the specific data type and reported metadata ID.
SCANREPORT_INACCESS historical data |
Contains the reported location metadata information for each scan across all Targets. |
- TUID - Target UID.
- REPORTID - Scan report ID. This is also the report timestamp in Unix time format.
- START - Timestamp when the scan started.
- END - Timestamp when the scan completed.
- LOCATION - Full path of the inaccessible.
- SEVERITY - Severity level (Critical, Alert, Notice, Intervention, Unknown) for the
inaccessible location.
- DESCRIPTION - Error message or details about the inaccessible location.
- LOGGED - Timestamp when the inaccessible location was logged.