Enterprise Recon 2.11.0

Data Tables

The Enterprise Recon ODBC Driver provides access to comprehensive Enterprise Recon data through multiple data tables described in this section.

Table Description Columns


current state data

Current information for all Groups on the Master Server.
  • GUID - Group UID.
  • LABEL - Group name or label.
  • COMMENT - Comments inserted by user about the Group.


current state data

Current information for all Targets on the Master Server.
  • TUID - Target UID.
  • GUID - Group UID. This is the Group the Target belongs to.
  • LABEL - Target name or label.
  • COMMENT - Comments inserted by user about the Target.


current state data

Current list of match locations for all Targets.
  • TUID - Target UID.
  • LOCID - Match location ID.
  • LOCATION - Match location path or description.


List of built-in and custom criteria or data types, and their associated ID number.
  • CUID - Data type or criteria UID.
  • LABEL - Name or label for the data type.


Defines the possible severity levels (e.g. test, match, prohibited) of matched patterns.
  • SEVID - Severity level for the matched pattern.
  • LABEL - Name or label (e.g. test, match, prohibited) for the match severity level.


List of possible reported content types or file formats.
  • CTID - Content type / file format ID.
  • TAG - Unique tag for the content type / file format.
  • LABEL - Name or label for the content type / file format.


List of reported metadata labels and their associated ID number.
  • METAID - ID for the reported metadata type.
  • LABEL - Label for the reported metadata type.


List of all defined remediation and access control actions, operations, and states.
  • ACTIONID - ID for the remediation or access control action or operation.
  • LABEL - Label for the remediation or access control action or operation.
  • DETAIL - Description for the action or operation in the context of the location description.
  • STATE_COMPLETE - Returns 1 if the action or operation indicates completed state.
  • STATE_FAIL - Returns 1 if the action or operation indicates error state.

historical data

Historical match count data for all Targets.
  • TUID - Target UID.
  • WHEN - Timestamp when the data point was recorded.
  • QUANTITY - Sum of matches with data privacy breaches and matches containing prohibited PCI data; does not include test data matches.

current state data

Current information about the match count, matched data types and match severity level for all Targets.
  • TUID - Target UID.
  • CUID - Data type or criteria UID.
  • SEVID - Severity level for the matched pattern.
  • QUANTITY - Sum of matches for the specific data type / criteria and severity level (e.g. test, match, prohibited).

current state data

Current information about the match quantity, matched data types and match severity level for match locations across all Targets.
  • TUID - Target UID.
  • LOCID - Match location ID.
  • CUID - Data type or criteria UID.
  • SEVID - Severity level for the matched pattern.
  • QUANTITY - Sum of matches for the specific data type / criteria and severity level (e.g. test, match, prohibited).

current state data

Describes the content type for the current list of match locations across all Targets.
  • TUID - Target UID.
  • LOCID - Match location ID.
  • CTID - Content type / file format ID.

current state data

Describes the metadata captured for current list of match locations across all Targets.
  • TUID - Target UID.
  • LOCID - Match location ID.
  • METAID - ID for the reported metadata type.
  • VALUE - Metadata value for the reported metadata ID.

historical data

Contains a log of all remediation and access control actions / operations taken. across all Targets.
  • TUID - Target UID.
  • WHEN - Timestamp when the data point was recorded.
  • ACTIONID - ID for the remediation or access control action or operation.
  • ACTIONID - ID of the user who performed the remediation or access control action or operation.
  • LOCATION - Full path for the match location.
  • SIGNOFF - User who signed off on the action or operation.
  • REASON - Reason for performing the action or operation.

historical data

Contains scan report information including the match count, matched data types, matched samples, scanned bytes, start time, and other scan-related information for all Targets.
  • TUID - Target UID.
  • REPORTID - Scan report ID. This is also the report timestamp in Unix time format.
  • CUID - Data type or criteria UID.
  • LABEL - Scan schedule label.
  • ROOT - Scan root path.
  • START - Timestamp when the scan started.
  • END - Timestamp when the scan completed.
  • FAILED - Flag is set to 1 for failed scans.
  • STOPPED - Flag is set to 1 for scans that were manually stopped by the user.
  • LOCATIONS - Number of locations scanned for the specific scan root path.
  • BYTES - Number of bytes scanned for the specific scan root path.
  • INACCESSIBLE - Number of inaccessible locations for the given scan root path.
  • MATCHES - Sum of test data matches, matches with data privacy breaches and matches containing prohibited PCI data for the specific data type.
  • SAMPLES - Number of test, match and prohibited data samples captured for the specific data type.

historical data

Contains information about the number of matches and samples per data type for each scan across all Targets.
  • TUID - Target UID.
  • REPORTID - Scan report ID. This is also the report timestamp in Unix time format.
  • START - Timestamp when the scan started.
  • END - Timestamp when the scan completed.
  • LOCATION - Full path for the match location.
  • CUID - Data type or criteria UID.
  • MATCHES - Sum of test data matches, matches with data privacy breaches and matches containing prohibited PCI data for the specific data type.
  • SAMPLES - Number of test, match and prohibited data samples captured for the specific data type.

historical data

Contains the value and location for match samples captured for each scan across all Targets.
  • TUID - Target UID.
  • REPORTID - Scan report ID. This is also the report timestamp in Unix time format.
  • START - Timestamp when the scan started.
  • END - Timestamp when the scan completed.
  • LOCATION - Full path for the match location.
  • CUID - Data type or criteria UID.
  • SAMPLE - Captured match sample for the specific data type.

historical data

Contains the reported location metadata information for each scan across all Targets.
  • TUID - Target UID.
  • REPORTID - Scan report ID. This is also the report timestamp in Unix time format.
  • START - Timestamp when the scan started.
  • END - Timestamp when the scan completed.
  • LOCATION - Full path for the match location.
  • CUID - Data type or criteria UID.
  • METAID - ID for the reported metadata type.
  • VALUE - Metadata value for the specific data type and reported metadata ID.

historical data

Contains the reported location metadata information for each scan across all Targets.
  • TUID - Target UID.
  • REPORTID - Scan report ID. This is also the report timestamp in Unix time format.
  • START - Timestamp when the scan started.
  • END - Timestamp when the scan completed.
  • LOCATION - Full path of the inaccessible.
  • SEVERITY - Severity level (Critical, Alert, Notice, Intervention, Unknown) for the inaccessible location.
  • DESCRIPTION - Error message or details about the inaccessible location.
  • LOGGED - Timestamp when the inaccessible location was logged.