Enterprise Recon 2.11.1

Target Group Report

The Target Group Report displays a summary of scan results for all Targets in a Target group.

The table below describes the information found in a Target Group Report:

Detail Description
Report header Header that describes the scope of the report.
Report overview Summary of matches found, and the number of Global Filters and Data Types used.
Summary Summary of number of Targets scanned, organized by:
  • Total Targets
  • Compliant Targets
  • Non Compliant Targets
  • Unscanned Targets
Match breakdown Breakdown of matches by:
Metadata Metadata information for the match location.
Global Filter Rule Global Filters used in the scan.
Remediation performed Summary of remedial actions performed. The report shows the number of matches remediated for each type of remedial action.
Operation log Details on the location of remediated matches, status of remedial action, and the number of matches remediated.

To generate a Target Group Report, see How to Generate Reports.

To compare information provided in the Target Group Report with other reports, see Summary of All Reports.