Enterprise Recon 2.12.0

User Accounts

This section covers the following topics:

  1. Manage User Accounts
    1. How User Identification Works
    2. Manually Add a User
    3. Import Users Using the Active Directory Manager
    4. Edit or Delete a User Account
  2. Manage Own User Account

Manage User Accounts

A Global Admin, System Manager or Permissions Manager can manage users accounts from the Users > User Accounts page.

How User Identification Works

In ER2, user accounts are distinguished as follows:

This allows users with the same username to be added to ER2 when:

  1. The username is unique for manually added users.
  2. The domain\username pair is unique for users imported from Active Directories.
All 3 login names below are identified as unique user accounts in ER2:
  • UserA
  • example.com\UserA
  • company.com\UserA

Manually Add a User

To manually add a user:

  1. Log in to the ER2 Web Console.
  2. Go to the Users > User Accounts page and click +Add.
  3. In the Add User page, under the User information tab, enter the following information:
    Configure the login name, full name, email address, password and other user information when adding a new user.

    Field Description
    Login Name Enter a login name.
    Full Name Enter the user's full name.
    Job Title Enter the user's job title.
    Department Enter the user's department.
    Phone Number Enter the user's phone number.
    Email Address Enter the user's email address.
    Password Enter a password.
    Confirm Password Re-enter password.
  4. (Optional) Configure other user account settings:

    Setting Description
    Account Locked Deselect the checkbox to unlock a user account.
    Two-factor Authentication (2FA) Set to On to enable 2FA for the user account. See Two-factor Authentication (2FA) for more information.
  5. In the Roles and Permissions tab, assign global and resource permissions to the user account. See User Permissions for more information.

Import Users Using the Active Directory Manager

See Active Directory Manager for more information.

Edit or Delete a User Account

To edit a user account:

  1. Expand the System menu.
  2. Go to the Users > User Accounts page.
  3. Hover over a user, click Edit and navigate to the User information tab.
  4. Manage the user information and optional user account settings.
  5. Click Save to update the user account.

To delete a user account:

  1. Expand the System menu.
  2. Go to the Users > User Accounts page.
  3. Hover over a user, click Remove to delete the user account.

See User Permissions for more information.

Manage Own User Account

Individual users can manage their own account details from the [Username] > My Account page.

The Account Information tab displays the current user's account details and Activity Log. The Activity Log displays all user events. For more information on ER2 events, see Activity Log.

My Account Details page displaying the account information for User_A.

To edit the current user account information:

  1. Click Edit and navigate to the Account Information tab.
  2. In the My Account page, under the Account Information tab, enter the following information:

    Field Description
    Full Name Enter the user's full name.
    Email Address Enter the user's email address.
    Old Password Enter the current password.
    New Password Enter a new password.
    Confirm Password Re-enter password.
    Job Title Enter the user's job title.
    Department Enter the user's department.
    Phone Number Enter the user's phone number.
  3. (Optional) Configure other user account settings:

    Setting Description
    Two-factor Authentication (2FA) Set to On to enable 2FA for the user account. See Two-factor Authentication (2FA) for more information.

Roles and Permissions

The Roles and Permissions tab is a read-only section which displays the roles, global permissions and resource permissions that are assigned to the current user. See User Permissions for more information.

Example of Roles and Permissions page for a user who is assigned System_Manager_Role and System Manager Global Permissions.