Enterprise Recon 2.10.0

How To Install the Master Server on RHEL 8 (from RPM)

Ground Labs does not guarantee support for non-standard installations of the Enterprise Recon Master Server. Any deviation from the instructions provided in this manual, and/or any modification made to the Master Server that may impact the functionality of Enterprise Recon is considered a non-standard installation, including (but not limited to):
  • Addition of any third party software (e.g. anti-virus software), libraries, and/or packages, and/or
  • Removal of any software, libaries, and/or packages included by default in the Enterprise Recon appliance.

Please refer to Ground Labs Technical Support Services for more information.

This chapter describes how to perform a standard installation of the ER2 Master Server on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8 server using the RPM installer.

Preparing to Install

This section explains the various prerequisites and aspects to consider before starting the installation.

System Requirements

You can install the ER2 Master Server RPM software package on a RHEL 8 server with the following minimum requirements:

Item Requirement
RHEL release version(s) Base installation of RHEL 8.8 or RHEL 8.6.
The installation of the ER2 Master Server on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8 is supported on the two most recent Extended Update Support (EUS) releases.
CPU architecture 64-bit (x86_64) CPU.
Memory and disk space See System Requirements - Master Server - Memory and Disk Space for more information.

Backup the Master Server and Network Settings

If you have an existing installation of ER2:

  1. Create a backup of the current Master Server. Copy the backup file to a shared location separate from the current Master Server host that is accessible by the new Master Server host.
  2. Copy the datastore configuration file /var/lib/er2/datastore.cfg to a shared location separate from the current Master Server host that is accessible by the new Master Server host.
    Do this step to avoid having to reconfigure all Node Agents with a new Master Server public key.
  3. Take down the host name, IP address and network configuration settings of the current Master Server.
    Do this step to avoid having to reconfigure all Node Agents to point to a new IP address for the Master Server.

Download the RPM Installer

To download the Master Server RPM installer:

  1. Log in to Ground Labs Services Portal.
  2. From the Home tab, scroll down to the Enterprise Recon 2 > Enterprise Master RPM Package > RPM Package (EL8) section and look for version 2.10.0.
    Download ER2 RPM package in Ground Labs Services Portal.
  3. Click Download to download the Enterprise Recon RPM package file (er2-master-2.x-x-xxxx_xxxxxxxxxx.el8.x86_64.rpm).
  4. Save the file on the RHEL 8 server where the ER2 Master Server will be installed.

Installing the Master Server RPM Package

Open a terminal on the RHEL 8 server where the ER2 Master Server will be installed. Run the following commands as:

  • the root user, or
  • a user with privileges to execute sudo commands.
  1. Update the installed system packages and repositories for the RHEL 8 server.

    dnf update

  2. Install Ruby 2.5. ER2 requires Ruby version 2.5 in order to install and run successfully.

    dnf install -y ruby

  3. Verify that Ruby version 2.5 is installed.

    ruby --version This will output the following:

    ruby 2.5.x (xxxx-xx-xx revision xxxxx) [x86_64-linux]

  4. Configure the firewall rules to allow incoming connections on TCP port 80, TCP port 443 and TCP port 11117.
    (Optional) Add a firewall rule to allow incoming connections on a TCP port (e.g. 8339) for the ER2 API service.

    firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port 80/tcp firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port 443/tcp firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port 11117/tcp firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port 8339/tcp firewall-cmd --reload

    See Network Requirements - Master Server Network Requirements for more information. Also see Enterprise Recon V1 API - Enable the API for more details on enabling the ER2 API.

  5. Install the downloaded Master Server RPM package.

    rpm -ivh ./er2-master-2.x-x-xxxx_xxxxxxxxxx.el8.x86_64.rpm

  6. (Optional) Restore ER2 from a backup file.

  7. (Optional) Restore the datastore configuration file copied from the previous Master Server.

    # Stop the er2-master service. /etc/init.d/er2-master stop
    # Rename and backup the original datastore.cfg file. mv /var/lib/er2/datastore.cfg /var/lib/er2/datastore.cfg.orig
    # Copy the datastore configuration file for the previous Master Server # from the "<shared_location>" to the RHEL 8 server. scp <user@source_host>:<shared_location>/datastore.cfg /var/lib/er2/datastore.cfg
    # Give ER2 ownership of the configuration file. chown erecon:root /var/lib/er2/datastore.cfg
    # Change the permissions for the datastore configuration file. chmod -x /var/lib/er2/datastore.cfg
    # Start the er2-master service. /etc/init.d/er2-master start
    # Once the restore operation has been verified to be successful, # delete the original datastore configuration file. rm /var/lib/er2/datastore.cfg.orig

Activating ER2

Once the Master Server has started, log in to the Web Console to activate ER2 and Install Node Agents.

See Installation Overview for more information.

Managing the Master Server

Run the following commands as:

  • the root user, or
  • a user with privileges to execute sudo commands.

Check Master Server Version

To check your Master Server version and build number, run:

rpm -qa er2-master

This displays the installed Master Server package name, version, build number and architecture:

# Displays output in the format of # <Master Server package name>-<version>-<build number>.<architecture> er2-master-2.x.xx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.el8.x86_64

Start, Stop and Restart the Master Server

To start your Master Server, run:

/etc/init.d/er2-master start

To stop your Master Server, run:

/etc/init.d/er2-master stop

To restart your Master Server, run:

/etc/init.d/er2-master restart

Update ER2

Perform an Offline Update to upgrade ER2.