Enterprise Recon 2.5.0

ODBC Reporting

PRO This feature is only available in Enterprise Recon PRO Edition. To find out more about upgrading your ER2 license, please contact Ground Labs Licensing. See Subscription License for more information.

Enterprise Recon ODBC Reporting is a standard interface for integrating Enterprise Recon with ODBC-ready client applications, including Business Intelligence (BI) reporting tools such as Microsoft Power BI, Excel, SAP Crystal Reports, and more.

The ODBC Driver provides read-only connectivity to comprehensive Enterprise Recon data through a set of Data Tables that can be used to build tailored reports or dashboards to get valuable insight into the sensitive data risks across your organization. You also have the flexibility to programmatically extract Enterprise Recon data using your preferred ODBC command-line tools (e.g. Windows PowerShell).

The ER2 ODBC Reporting feature supports common SQL commands, allowing you to execute custom SQL queries to retrieve only the data that you need.

To start connecting ODBC-aware applications to Enterprise Recon, check out the ER2 ODBC Reporting Documentation.